BRUTEFORCE SAVE DATE FOR DRAGON AGE INQUISITION SAVE EDITOR FULL However, you shouldn't look on numbers under savegame_statlist (they could be different from the numbers referenced), but for the ID number of the "SAVEGAME_STATPROPERTY_INDEX" in the expanded code.
(When you open the number, there are lines like SAVEGAME_STATPROPERTY_BASE, SAVEGAME_STATPROPERTY_MODIFIER, SAVEGAME_STATPROPERTY_INDEX). It's possible some of the figures below aren't present yet, since they only populate to the save once the statistic is introduced during gameplay. To add more tactic slots open SAVEGAME_TACTICS_TABLE (This is found under the same lists as SAVEGAME_CREATURE_STATS) then open SAVEGAME_TACTICS_LIST below it is a list of that character's tactics.
Go back up to SAVEGAME_TACTICS_LIST, Right click it and select paste. A copy of the selected tactic should have appeared under the name NEWFIELD1.
BRUTEFORCE SAVE DATE FOR DRAGON AGE INQUISITION SAVE EDITOR FULLĭon't worry the name will change to an appropriate number once you save and reload. Whenever you play, you will have to go through the new character name, but it should be your save. Load that save, and it should import all the data from your dead save and allow you to continue playing as normal. Then, once it has saved, boot up DAI and go to the new character profile that was made when you restarted the game. Your computer will ask if you want to overwrite it, and you should say yes. Instead, immediately save the information that pops up to that same folder, and make the name of the item you are saving the exact same name as the file you created at the start of this process. Then, change absolutely nothing in the information that pops up in the DAI save editor. Next, open up the DAI save editor, and import the save you were playing originally before this issue came up (DAI save data should be located at C:\Users\User\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age Inquisition\Save) (the second User will be your PC profile name, say jamesd or whatever). Get through the intro stuff to the first autosave, then close the game. Extract it, then boot up DAI and create a brand new save. You need to go here which is a DAI save editor, and download the. Okay, so I had the same problem, and I came to a solution, but it's a little janky.